Tyrebirth process allows to improve a well-established technology, the thermal pyrolysis, transforming it into a new high-efficiency recycling process, the microwave thermolysis. The process itself is based on the principle of pyrolysis, i.e. the "decomposition" of tyres by heat treatment obtained using microwaves as a source of energy. The microwaves, acting on the molecular structure, generate vibrational energy that is transformed into heat, thus determining the splitting of the molecules. The total absence of combustion and the homogeneity of the heating guarantee a high quality of the secondary raw materials obtained by this process.
The production chain generates reduced emissions in terms of combustion fumes, does not release by-products to be disposed of and can be defined in its own right as ecofriendly.
The advantages over other thermal pyrolysis systems are mainly as follows:
- Tyrebirth produces secondary raw materials, such as carbon black, oil, gas and steel, which are 100% reusable in many industrial processes.
- These materials can also be used to generate energy.
- The process is essentially energy self-sufficient, since it benefits from the possibility of producing electricity from the gases obtained by the process itself.
- The solid fraction of the material produced (carbon black and steel) can be recycled over and over.
- The process involves minimal emission of fumes and no use of open flames.
- The quality of the products obtained is particularly high.
The Tyrebirth industrial system is unique and unrivalled in the world. There are currently no other plants of this type, capable of providing products with an excellent yield and, at the same time, able to solve the problem of the disposal of polymeric materials with a high polluting impact, such as tyres, in a completely green way.